Electronic & Microfilm Records

Electronic Recordkeeping

Many records that are considered vital to FSU are created and stored electronically. These records are subject to the same retention periods as their paper counterparts and must be maintained until their retention dates are met. For further information on this subject please refer to Electronic Records and Records Management Practices.

Microfilming Records

Departments may microfilm paper records at any time as long as the microfilming is completed in accordance with the standards set forth by the Florida Administrative Code Rule 1B-26.0021 and a Records Disposition Request (Forms & Publications) is approved by the Records Storage Center.

  • Records with a permanent retention period may be microfilmed to reduce space requirements.
  • Non-permanent records may be microfilmed as well. Microfilmed records may be destroyed at the end of the retention period.
  • Microfilming may save up to 98% of space occupied by paper records.