Records Disposal

Please note that we are currently experiencing a high volume of Disposition Form submissions and will respond in the order they are received. We kindly request that you refrain from sending multiple emails, which may inadvertently prolong the response time.

Additionally, it is recommended to hold off placing a work order with Facilities until the form is returned, as a signed Disposition Form is required upon pickup.

Records Disposition Request

In accordance with the rules set out in Chapter 1B-24 of the Florida Administrative Code, all University departments must have a fully executed Records Disposition Request Form on file before destroying any public records.

The information below should be entered into the appropriate boxes of the Records Disposition Request Form:

Box 1: College/Department - Indicate the College or Department requesting to dispose of records, including the address. (e.g., College of Business, Office of Business Services, etc.)

Box 2: Agency Contact - Name, phone number, and email address of the person preparing the form

Box 3: Notice of Intention - Forms can be destroyed, sent to the FSU archives, or choose "other" if needed

Box 4: The person responsible for the records in your division/department/section will sign authorizing the disposition. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure who should sign.

Box 5: List of Record Series - Describes the types of records you wish to dispose of.

  1. Schedule No. - Records Retention Schedule (GS1-SL or GS-5)
  2. Item No. - as listed in the Records Retention Schedule (i.e.,195)
  3. Title - as listed in the Records Retention Schedule and a brief description of the exact type of records (i.e., Payroll Records: Supporting Documents -- Timesheets, certification documents).
  4. Retention - as listed in the Records Retention Schedule (i.e., 3 FY)
  5. Inclusive Dates - dates of the documents you want to destroy (i.e., July 2011 - Aug 2012)
  6. Volume in Cubic Feet - see conversion table
  7. Disposition Action Date and Date Completed After - will not be completed until you are ready to sign block 7.

Once you have filled out boxes 1 through 5f, send the form to the RMLO for authorization BEFORE destroying any records! Disposition Forms should be emailed to

Box 6: Disposal Authorization - DO NOT SIGN - an FSU Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) will review your request. Upon request approval, the RMLO will sign box 6, and the form will be returned to the contact person. The division/department/section may then appropriately dispose of records. To request confidential document shredding through Facilities, visit

Box 7: Disposal Certificate - to be signed and dated AFTER records have been disposed of or at the time of pickup from waste management.

Box 5g: Disposition Action and Date Completed - i.e., MM/DD/YY and "recycled," "shredded," "destroyed," "archived," etc.,

Once the Disposition Request form has been completed, please scan and email it back to